In part 1 last week, we met my mentor, Frazer Buntin, and learnt about his early life and education background. Today, he'll talk to us about his career so far.
Work background
after school, I worked for my father’s company for about a year. I wanted to
see if the business clicked with me and additionally, my older brother, with
whom I am very close, was there as well. My plan was to work and live at home
and eat Ramen noodles to save as much money as possible for an epic adventure.
absolutely love adventure. I love adventure more and more throughout my life
and also regret not adventuring more along the way. This particular adventure
was about 3 months of tramping around New Zealand and Australia with a back
pack and a $500 car that I bought off a cork board advertisement in the first
hostel I came to in NZ. I hiked and camped and climbed mountains and fly fished
and sat in silence for long periods during the middle of the day.
rainy afternoon, I simply started writing while lying in a bunk bed in a $5 a
night hostel. I wrote about what kind of
person I wanted to be. I wrote about the values I wanted to hold true to in my
life. Many of these values had always been present but had been dulled by
the norms of college. Some of these values were new. That day – and the entire
trip – ended up being a bit of a personal reset button for me. I came away from
that experience with clarity on how I wanted to “show up” to life at my most
fundamental level. I cherish that time still today and feel that it set me on a
course personally that I still benefit from today.
professional career has spanned some incredible and crazy-ass experiences. I
have worked for huge companies and started companies and have been CEO twice
and have travelled all over the US. I have had unbelievable successes and epic
failures. My path has been so winding that it would take dozens of pages to
describe the way my career has unfolded.
I am president of a large division of a high-growth healthcare company called Evolent Health. Evolent has
gone from having 3 employees to over 2,600 in 5 years. We have gone from an
idea to a $1 billion IPO in 5 years. Someone once said:
When you have a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask which seat is yours, just sit down.
is how I feel about Evolent. We have smart people, great culture, and most
importantly, our work is meaningful and interesting to me. Those last two items
are the ticket-to-the-dance requirements for me. My main job functions are to
hire good people, set the strategy, monitor their behaviors, and measure our
results. On a “Monday morning”, that means I am usually on the phone or in a
meeting or working on a task that involves making decisions on improving our
business. Leading people and solving problems consume most of my time. I have
essentially no recurring work and nearly every task, every day is unique.
successes will have little context for you unless you have worked in the fields
or industries that I have, so it’s difficult to make those come alive for you. It
is similar with the low points. Just know that I have knocked some home runs out
of the park and I have absolutely fallen on my face in parts of my career as
of these stories are long and usually funny, so perhaps, we’ll run into each
other sometime and I’ll tell some of them. I will share that when you have the
highs and the successes, you should absolutely
cherish them. Marinate in them (there’s that word again). Feel like those days
never want to end. Let yourself get goosebumps on how well you succeeded. During
the lows and the failures, make them right beyond your own expectations. Take
something away from them that you learned. Remember careers are a long-game. And then let that shit go.
can attribute my success to hitting the parent lottery, growing up on a farm,
great education, eye-opening experiences, mental wiring for problem-solving,
and a knack for motivating people. Deeper than that, I attribute my success
over time (not as individual) to intense
personal reflection. I have always, throughout my career, taken time to
think about what is working and what isn’t working for me – and then to do
something about it. That process of reflection has accelerated my pathway down
the career “funnel”. This reflection has also allowed me always to be learning.
Always to be finding new tactics, methods, and strategies I can apply for all
kinds of different scenarios throughout my career. I think I have a knack for
surfacing and using tactics very well.
for key role models, I have covered my parents already. Beyond that, I see
anyone as a role model who has found the intersection of doing actual work they
are good at doing, in an industry of which they are passionate, and have found
a way to be well-compensated. This is the sweet spot of a work career when work
doesn’t feel like work. Many of us only get one, a few two, and a very rare few
get all three. These are the role models for me.
work-life balance, I have totally blown this one in my past and had to earn my
way back into a balance. I never expected my career to involve as much travel
as it has but here I am, 20 years into it, and I have logged A LOT of miles. More
so than that, for a long time, I carried work with me as a thinking obsession. Maybe
even a thinking addiction.
would need more pages to give this topic the time it deserves but I am in my
own personal “recovery”. Some of you will get this instantly and some might get
it 10 years from now.
I have found the other side of the Venn diagram. I mentioned the concept of
“intense personal reflection” previously as a driver of success. As our biggest
strengths are also our biggest weaknesses, I needed another side of the coin to
balance me. The other side of my Venn diagram that gives me work-life balance
is not to give a shit.
don’t mean that I don’t care, as I care – intensely. What I mean is that I do intense personal reflection, I make some
decisions, I take some action – and then I don’t give a shit after that. I let
go of control or expectation or wanting or needing some outcome to happen. I
let go of the desire for some future event or thing to bring me happiness. Our
brains are tools we use for survival but we must put them down when we are
done. If we don’t put them down, we aren’t not actually living our lives, we
are living our future lives. This is hard as crap to do for me so it is a
practice. There are a whole series of tactics below the level of not giving a
shit that we also would need more pages to cover adequately. I am putting a lot
of effort into this though and it is working. I can feel myself living a few
feet above myself.
are rare. Good mentors are unicorns. The best type of mentors are when you get
lucky and have a direct manager who is also a good mentor. These people are
like unicorns, riding a unicorn. I have had a few people who have helped me
along the way including one or two unicorns riding unicorns. In hindsight, I am
deeply appreciative of these people. Their wisdom was a huge accelerant for me
personally and professionally.
me, I enjoy helping others find their way. I enjoy helping others “be okay”
with where they are and where they are going. I enjoy helping others take my
tactics and experiences and wisdom and do something even better with them than
I have. I think I would have been, and perhaps may be at some point in the
future, a decent teacher. Part of my enjoyment of passing on wisdom or guidance
or experiences is creating efficiency out of inefficiency. Wisdom should be
scaled. Knowledge gained from experiences should be scaled. Again, I was taught
to care about things and this is one I care about. If I can get scale on the
things I have learned with several other people throughout my life, then I am
potentially putting a massive accelerant underneath those people. Perhaps then,
their experiences and wisdom and knowledge over time far exceeds mine. If they
are inclined, they do the same and we are accelerating the advancement of the
human state of mind. That is pretty rad.